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High-Fiber Foods to Help your Digestive Health

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What is Fiber?

Fiber is essential for our body. It is a phytonutrient also known as dietary fiber or bulk. These fibers are indigestible components of plant foods. It travels from your stomach to your colon in an unprocessed form, keeping your digestive system clean and healthy.

Certain types of fiber help reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, and also diabetes, improve gut health and fight constipation, improve skin health, and help you lose weight. It may even help prevent colon cancer.

How Much Fiber do you Need Daily?

The optional daily amount of it is 21 to 25 grams for women and also 30 to 38 grams for men, with variations related to age.

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Types of Fibers

  • Insoluble: Does not dissolve in water. Regulates bowel movements and prevents constipation.
  • Soluble: dissolves in water. It helps regulate blood sugar and also lower cholesterol levels.

High-Fiber Foods to Add to your Diet

You may eat high-fiber foods daily, but is that enough for your body? It isn’t easy to meet fiber needs, especially when you’re fed up with eating vegetables. Here are some high-fiber food options you’ll enjoy:



  • Barley: By adding 2 cups of cooked barley to your diet daily, you can meet your daily needs. Also, you can add this fiber-rich grain to roasted vegetables.
  • Andean millet: Quinoa is extremely popular with health-conscious people. It contains fiber such as protein, magnesium, iron, antioxidants, etc. You can improve quinoa to your weekly dinner or cinnamon and sugar for a sweet treat.
  • Oatmeal: Oats contain a robust soluble, oat beta-glucan, which helps control blood sugar and also cholesterol. You can increase it to cookies, muffins, or cereal. Learn about the 12 health benefits of oatmeal
  • wholemeal pasta: Yes! If you are a pasta lover, choose whole wheat pasta for its many health benefits, as it is rich in fiber.
  • Popcorn: It is also known as the “king of snacks.” Air popcorn is very high in it. In addition, you can sprinkle on your favorite herbs and spices to enhance the flavor.


  • Broccoli: These vegetables can be catalog as fiber vegetables. It also contains vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin B complex, antioxidants, etc. Studies have shown that the 5 grams of fiber in broccoli per cup can help keep your gut bacteria healthy and balanced.
  • Carrots: Carrots are a root vegetable best known for their beta-carotene content but also provide a high amount of it. About 6 cups of carrots are need to meet the recommend daily allowance.
  • Cauliflower: These mini cabbages can be boil, fried, or put into the intestines raw. They are very high in fiber, vitamin K, potassium, folic acid, and powerful cancer-fighting antioxidants.
  • Artichoke: It is one of the best sources of it in the world. Four artichokes can meet your daily fiber needs.
  • Green peas: Tasty and healthy; green peas are an excellent source of fiber and also iron, vitamin A, vitamin C, etc.


  • Avocado: Avocado is highly prize for its creamy flavor and health benefits. It is also complete with various vitamins, antioxidants, and magnesium. Three avocados a day will help you reach the recommended dose.
  • Berries: Berries are generally known to be high in antioxidants but also high in it. Raspberries, strawberries, and blackberries are pack with it. About 6 cups of strawberries are need to reach the recommend daily intake.
  • Apples: Apples are exceptionally high in a soluble called pectin. An apple covers about 4 grams of fiber, which helps protect arteries and lower cholesterol.


You should always maintain a balance in it intake. It may appear better to have too much than too little but be careful. It’s essential to listen to your body and start slowly when changing your diet. Always drink sufficient water to avoid constipation or indigestion, and consult a doctor to discuss the ideal amount of fiber for you.

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